Friday, August 14, 2009

You've just bought a copy of David Hasselhoff's Looking For... The Best!

(It may be useful to look at this link first.)

Hearing this album is like meeting God and then getting to borrow God's car -- which is a Lambourghini.

La audición de este álbum es como un encuentro de dios y después conseguir pedir prestado el coche de dios -- cuál es un Lambourghini.

Did you know he wrote the German national anthem?

¿Usted le conocía escribió el himno nacional alemán?

What were they thinking with this sequencing?  I was too emotionally overwhelmed from "Crazy for You" to properly appreciate "Do the Limbo Dance".

¿Qué pensaban con esta secuencia?  Me abrumaron demasiado emocionalmente de "Crazy for You" para apreciar correctamente "Do the Limbo Dance".

These headphones are crap!  I need this album IMPLANTED INTO MY BRAIN.

¡Estos auriculares son mierda!  Necesito este álbum IMPLANTADO EN MI CEREBRO.

"Is Everybody Happy?" didn't just touch my soul -- it ripped my soul out and replaced it with a better soul.

"Is Everybody Happy?" no tocar mi alma -- rasgó mi alma hacia fuera y la substituyó por una mejor alma.

Maybe he could duet with Rick Astley.

Él podría quizá dúo con Rick Astley.

"Hot Shot City" is particularly good.

"Hot Shot City" es particularmente bueno.

Note:  As always, the translations are pretty much just babelfish output; corrections are, of course, welcome.

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